Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Whats the next step in Human Evolution???

What is the next step in Human Evolution?  How long before we find out? Will humans survive long enough to know? Say we have the polar ice caps begin to melt and the sea level began to rise hundreds of meters, covering every continent and turning Earth into a water planet.The human race is unfortunately scattered across the ocean in individual, isolated communities consisting of man made islands and sea vessels. Will we adapt to the tremendous change or will the human race get eliminated by mother nature. Or will we be able to grow gills and webbed feet? Humans becoming mutants with webbed feet and gills, an evolutionary step in some of the humans to accommodate the changes in climate. We'll never know till it happens but it makes you think what we are capable of. 
But lets talk about something that might be happening right now, our ability to fight diseases. Technology has played a big roll in our fight against diseases, such as the creation of medication. In todays age, as humans become more and more dependent upon medication for survival, we can expect human immune system to slowly weaken. Is it safe to say that medication might not be as good as it is intended to be? Well my opinion on medication is, it is good and bad for society. Medication as well as other substances can be abuse and used beyond prescribed. Also some medications may cure some illnesses but create new ones. In like a lot of medication Ads they tell you how great it is but towards the end list a bunch of side effects that me be worse than what you already have. Why would our body need a powerful immune system if all diseases are tackled by medication? 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Research Topics

My first choice that i would like to research is on the Effects of Technology has on the world. Whether it be bad or good. How technology has evolved throughout the years and as well has the positive/negative ways it is being used. My other was the evolution of humans. Over the years we have adapted to our surroundings. What will our next big change be?